Saturday, October 15, 2011

Are We Worthy Enough?

A king was getting old, so he felt that it was time to name one of his sons his successor. He had three sons, who were born as triplets. He loved them all equally and did not know which of them to choose as a successor. So he sent them off to a distant land and promised that, the one who would come back with the most useful learning would be his successor. The three went off to distant lands; attended universities and visited exotic places.

The first brother invented magic glasses with which he could see any distant place he wished to see on earth.

The second one perfected a magic carpet on which one sat and zoomed to any part of the earth in just five minutes.

The third brother invented a medicine that could cure any illness and save a person’s life.

After a few years all three of them came together for their birthday party. Each one explained about his achievement. The first brother looked through his magic glasses and saw that their father was quite ill and was dying. The second brother immediately invited the other two to hop onto his magic carpet and within five minutes they were at their father's side. And the third one with his magic medicine cured his father at once and saved his life.

....Now the king was more confused than ever, since it took the great work of all three of them to save his life....!!

Moral of the Story ....

Friends, if you look carefully, you will see that this story can be very much related to our lives. To become a worthy individual, one needs to be thoroughly taken care of at three different stages.... first at home : one needs to be trained to see the basics of life, then at the educational institutes : one is trained to explore & reach out towards the life & finally in the world outside : one keeps learning through various experiences & keeps exploring the methods to survive, succeed & excel.

If one of these systems fails, the other two may not be able to make us a worthy human being ....!

Live a Meaningful Life, Friends !

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