Once, a
disciple of Buddha, said, "Oh Master! I have a request to make."
Buddha: "What is it; tell me?"
Disciple: "My robe is worn out. It is no longer decent
enough to wear. Please, may I have a new one?"
Buddha looked at the disciple's attire and found that the
garment was absolutely in tatters and really needed replacement. So he asked
the store-keeper to give a new robe to this disciple.
The disciple offered obeisance to the great master and left the
Buddha kept thinking about the incident and felt that he had
perhaps missed an opportunity to teach a valuable lesson to the disciple. So he
went to the disciple's quarters to talk to him.
Buddha: Are you comfortable in your new robe? Do you need
anything else?
Disciple: Thank you, Master. I am very comfortable and do not
need anything else.
Buddha: Now that you have a new one, what have you done with the
old one?
Disciple: I have used it to replace my worn out bedspread.
Buddha: What did you do with the old bedspread?
Disciple: Master, I am using it as a curtain on my window.
Buddha: Did you discard your old window curtain?
Disciple: Master, I tore it into four pieces and am using them
as napkins to handle the hot pots and pans in the kitchen.
Buddha: What about the old kitchen napkins?
Disciple: We are using them as mops to wash and wipe the floor.
Buddha: Where is the old mop?
Disciple: Lord, the old mop was so tattered that the best we
could do was to take all the threads apart and make wicks for your oil lamp.
One of them is presently lit in your room."
Buddha was content. He was happy that His disciples realized
that nothing is useless. We can find a
use for everything, if only we want to! Nothing should be wasted; not even

If all of us were to practice the habit of thrift, we can
preserve the non-renewable resources for our children, our grandchildren and
our great-grandchildren as our forefathers so thoughtfully did for us.
Let us vow together to
leave at least one monument for our children: The Earth!
The real measure of a man's wealth is what he has invested in
~ Shared by Purvi Joshi
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